Monday, April 28, 2008

The Sun is out and we are back at work !

So the sun was out and so was I on a walk around the pond. This picture is taken at one end of our pond that is close to the road and so this is what all the people driving by for the last 4 days have been looking at. Yes that is a white was very cold here last week and so we had the insulators come out and insulate that wall to try and stay a bit warmer.....we will have to take that out to do some wiring but just wanted to keep our heating bills more in line.

By the way I think if you click on any of these pictures they will get bigger you can see what I'm talking about .....

So next stop on this walk was by what was a big old Apple Tree that really was more of a bush cause nobody took care of it. So any guess as to what is going on here ?????
If you say Beaver you are correct and if we can get Dylan ( our son for those who don't know ) to remember to bring over his animal camera maybe we will get to see him or them at work....

This is what he or she or they do is cut down the branches then take them into the pond and strip the bark off ....and yes have a beer or two : )

This is the real reason for the walk as first thing this morning I noticed while we where gone this weekend we had some new babies at the pond. This is one family and the other one I saw had 5 and we have at least 2 more mom's sitting. I have a good story I'll tell you about in the next post when I have more pictures.....

This was last week job for Cliff and Tom sorry didn't take any pictures of the action but this used to be a walking bridge over a small inlet in between our big pond and the smaller one behind us and Cliff had that big boy toy for the month so he could put in a culvert and make a road to drive over. Once that was done he took apart our walking bridge and put it on each side of his new road....OK onto the good stuff for the day.....

The boys are peeling new post for our house.....

The concrete guys are getting started with the footings....

They have put in support post and Cliff is taking out the tile around the old post to prepare for the new logs....
Then they had to take out the bolts from the old buckets....and take out the posts
In come the second of the new log posts.....I was in the office working for the first one and almost missed this....they don't really like the camera : (
Had to take a bit extra off the bottom....
Then use the sledge hammer a couple of at the end of Monday this is how it looked
Concrete is ready to get inspected and hopefully we pour the footings and stem walls on Tuesday for the wing....

Before posts and no insulation.......
After 2 cool new log post !!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Very fun! I LOVE the first pic--with your home reflected in the pond. Too cool!!
Jamie :0)